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Effective July 1, 2022, HB2567 requires that a nonacademic test, questionnaire, survey, or examination containing any questions about the personal and private attitudes, values, beliefs, or practices of the student or the student’s parents, guardians, family members, associates, friends or peers that is administered during the school day shall not be administered to any student enrolled in kindergarten or grades one through 12 unless the parent is notified in writing not more than four months in advance. This means that we will be requesting parent permission throughout the school year rather than a one-time opt-in at the beginning of the school year.
We will post a link to the survey questions on this page as well as the anticipated administration date, who created the survey, and what we plan to do with the data or information collected. The non-academic surveys will be parent opt-in. However, a student shall have the right to refuse even after the parent consents without suffering any consequences.